Occupational Therapy Awareness Month
/This is the last week of National OT awareness month and Audrey Hepburn’s quote is a perfect way to end the month. Occupational therapists seem to live and breathe this quote. As a speech-language pathologist, I love watching and listening to OTs in action. To most, pediatric OTs look like they are just playing and having fun…or on the other extreme: flying in with their superhero capes to help with the crying, screaming, hitting, kicking, and biting. They truly are trying to make every children realize that they are possible, whether it’s dealing with frustration, poor handwriting, picky eating, or regulating emotions, the list is endless! But it’s often not just helping the children realize “I’m possible”, but also their families. OTs take everyday activities that many think are impossible for some and find unique ways to adapt so all children can be successful in their own way. They help us realize that (fill in your own blank) is possible. Recently, one of our OTs and a child with Cerebral Palsy practiced taking off her shoes by herself for several weeks. Then we got a call from her mother telling us that she took her shoes off and put them away independently at home and she didn’t think that would ever be possible. This is just one example of how OTs bring the ordinary and possible to every child. So next time you find yourself thinking something is impossible, channel your inner OT and say “I’m possible”!