Preparing for the Holidays - Part 2
/Okay, the time is here! We have prepared our child as much as we can for the upcoming events for the holidays. But, now that we are here, what can we do if it is not going as planned?! Don’t stress, we are here to help with these tips! And remember, kiddos can feel and read how we are feeling. The calmer we remain in these situations, the calmer they will be!
· Have quiet time before the event. This can be playing with a fidget, playing in shaving cream before you go, looking at an I spy book, reading, etc.
· Having a backup plan or a secret word to help your kiddo if they are starting to become overwhelmed and need a break.
· Bring their ultimate fidget toy to help them self-soothe/ create a calm down bag to bring with. Allow them to choose what goes inside of it.
· Prepare your child for the sensory experiences they may face. Teach them the language to use so they can let you know they are struggling. For example: Going to aunt Mary’s can be overwhelming. You will be doing lots of playing with your cousins, she has lots of Christmas lights at her house, there might be music playing and there will be lots of people. We might feel tired, “too much,” our heart might be going fast, etc. It is okay to feel like this. If you feel like this, you can tell mom or dad that you need a break. You can use something from your calm down bag to help.
· Reduce the amount of screen time your kiddo has- this can be VERY stimulating for kids.
· Be an observer! Spend time watching your child to watch for signs of over stimulation. If you notice small signs, provide them with a tool or an outlet. It is much easier to prevent a big meltdown vs. stopping a meltdown once it has already started.
· Try to keep their routine as “normal” as possible